MGT 315 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Automattic, Standard Deviation, Standard Error

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There will be a few questions that ask you to integrate knowledge from multiple sources or weeks! 1 or 2 from the sg owen case (1 specific, 1 general) A couple of questions straight from the clicker questions. The study of individuals and groups in organizations and how their attitudes and hevaiors affect organizational performance. Human resource management: policies, practices, and systems that influence employee attitudes and performance. What are some of the responsibilities of hr departments: legal compliance, select the right people for the organization, provide training and development to better those people once they are in the organization. What are some of the trends in the changing workforce? o. What are some of the challenges companies are facing: sustainability, globally global workforce, training and development, technological widespread, making the world smaller, training and development. Hr & ob the big five (10% of exam) (ocean)