ISP 217 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ogallala Aquifer, Aquifer, Radiant Energy

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Condensation the process of water changing from a vapor to a liquid, ex. soda can sweat, cloud formation. Convection moist air flows upwards, water vapor loses a decrease in temperature which leads to a change in state clouds form. Precipitation water being released as rain, sleet, snow, or hail when condensed water in the atmosphere becomes too heavy for air currents and falls. Infiltration a portion of the precipitation that reaches the earth"s surface and seeps into the ground. Evaporation radiant energy from the sun heats water, causing the water molecule to become so active that some of them rise to the atmosphere as water vapor. Evapotranspiration water evaporated from the ground and transpired by plants, causes the wetness at the bottom of tarps placed on top of plants for extended periods of time. Atmospheric advection water in clouds transported by wind from land to sea and by sea to land.