ISS 220 Study Guide - Final Guide: Archaic Humans, Hand Axe, Hyperthermia

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Final exam will be monday, december 14 from 12:45-2:45. You should be able to define these terms as well as use them as examples to explain related terms and concepts. Acheulian- biface tools, flatter and straighter and sharper. Adaptive radiation- changes that allow one to adapt to other environments. Anatomically modern homo sapiens-100,000 years ago, found all over the world, south and east africa, used upper. Paleolithic tools, first to build a shelter, and art. Archaic homo sapiens- refers to early homo sapiens which have are not yet in modern form. These individuals possess a mix of primitive traits and derived traits. Dendrochronology-exact date from wood; build a tree-ring chronology. Food acquisition model- free hands allow individuals to carry food, but primates usually feed on food at the source. Heat stress model- upright posture reduces the amount of sunlight that strikes the body during hottest part of the day, but other animals just wisely avoid the sun.