ISS 220 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hunter-Gatherer, Mosaic Evolution, Dendrochronology

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*appeared through mosaic evolution: reduction of canine of australopithecines (gradual reduction through each species) over time later species have more and more derived features and less and less primitive feautures . know how this happened. *how do you figure out the molecular clock? how fast the mutations occur, how fast change accumulates in populations over time. Measure of physical change, how different is the dna from closest relatives. Dna difference= percent rate(98. 6 similar = humans and chimps . we have not been separated for a long time. Owm and humans = 7. 2 percent, much longer time . 22 mya (proconsul)is when we separated into branches) assumption that rate is pretty consistent over time (millions of years it evens out) *reproduction: similar to food acquisition, men trying to impress their lady (families), know critique(fred flinstone, hard to figure out the reproductive habits, hunter gatherer models female does the majority of the food collecting . division of labor?)