ISS 220 Study Guide - Final Guide: Mutation Rate, Genetic Distance, Genetic Marker

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You should be able to define these terms as well as use them as examples to explain related terms and concepts. Acclimation- short-term physiologic responses to a stress, usually within minutes or hours. (increased heart rate at altitude) Acclimatization- long term physiologic response to a stress, usually taking days to months (increase in rbc production at altitude) Allen"s rule- same mass but different shape; in additional to the total body mass, and body proportions are correlated with temperature. Appendages tend to be shorter in cold areas of species ranges. Circle good for cold climates and cylinder better for hot climates. Anthropometrics- measurements of the human body, skull, and face; two most common: height and weight. Balancing selection- trying to reach the perfect ratio of alleles depending on the environment; equilibrium- is what is best for the population depending on the environment. Bergman"s rule- same shape, different sizes; animals were larger in colder than in warmer area of their ranges.