ISS 210 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Dual Inheritance Theory, Linguistic Anthropology, Urban Anthropology

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Biodiversity comes from…
Evolution: A change in the genetic structure of a population from one generation to the next
Adaptation: An environmental, physiological, or behavioral response of organisms or
populations to the environment.
-can result from evolutionary change
Microevolution: small genetic changes that occur within a species
Macroevolution: Changes that occur only after many generations, such as the appearance of a
new species (Speciation)
We are a product of our environment:
Behavior: anything organisms do that involves action in response to internal or external stimuli
-the response of an individual, group, or species to its environment
-responses may or may not be deliberate, and aren’t necessarily the result of conscious
decision making.
Culture (strategies to adapt to the environment):
Subsistence patterns
Housing types
Marriage and family
Gender roles
-The human predisposition to assimilate culture and function within it is influenced by biological
-Biology makes culture possible and developing culture further influences the direction of
biological evolution.
-Biocultural evolution: culture and biology over time interacted to become this
Anthropology: a powerful means of explaining variation in human adaptations
4 subfields:
Cultural Anthropology:
study of global patterns of belief and behavior found in modern and historical cultures.
began with an interest in traditionl societes, led early angthopoloists to study and record
lifeways that are now all but extinct.
Detailed descriptive studies of human societies
From the basis for comparative studies of numerous cultures
Ethnographic techniques are applied to the study of diverse subcultures and their
interactions with one another in contemporary areas (urban anthropology)
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Document Summary

Evolution: a change in the genetic structure of a population from one generation to the next. Adaptation: an environmental, physiological, or behavioral response of organisms or populations to the environment. Microevolution: small genetic changes that occur within a species. Macroevolution: changes that occur only after many generations, such as the appearance of a new species (speciation) Behavior: anything organisms do that involves action in response to internal or external stimuli. The response of an individual, group, or species to its environment. Responses may or may not be deliberate, and aren"t necessarily the result of conscious decision making. The human predisposition to assimilate culture and function within it is influenced by biological factors. Biology makes culture possible and developing culture further influences the direction of biological evolution. Biocultural evolution: culture and biology over time interacted to become this. Anthropology: a powerful means of explaining variation in human adaptations.