COM 240 Study Guide - Final Guide: Fair Labor Standards Act, Rensis Likert, Organizational Learning

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30 Aug 2016

Document Summary

Organization communication: the creating, sending, processing, and sorting of messages within purposive systems. Organizations are not position & responsibilities but interlocking communication activities. Linear communication model: sender encodes discrete messages, challenges to message transition, receiver decodes, then is goes back through the feedback loop. Max weber: bureaucracy: a system of government i which most of the important decision are made by state official rather than by elected representatives. It is a rational, legal system that proved formal, downward communication and upward communication is formalized as well, documentation is essential. They innovate by hiring new individuals and then write the job description once the role is developed. (centralization, clear hierarchy, division of labor: authority: legitimate/traditional:position, social order passed down over the years, office holder. (queen) Charismatic: ability to attract and interact-inspiration from personality, actions, belief. Men will exercise self-direction and self-control when he is commits. Exploitive authoritative: fear and punishment, downward and inaccurate communication only.