CEM 311 Study Guide - Final Guide: Rna Polymerase Iii, Inverted Repeat, Tata Box

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After initiation , core polymerase continues to elongate by adding nucs. Double-stranded dna enters the front of the enzyme between the pincers. The strands separate to follow different paths through the enzyme before exiting via their respective channels and re-forming a double helix behind the elongating polymerase. Remainder of rna chain is peeled off and directed out of the enzyme thru exit channel. When the polymerase reaches a terminator at the end of a gene it falls off the template and releases the rna. Intrinsic terminators function with the rna polymerase by itself without help from other proteins. Inverted repeated with t rich regions mutations on t: au auc g right b4. Other type depends on auxiliary factor called rho ( ), these are rho or -dependent terminators rho-independet terminator revealed 2 important features (using the trp attenuator as a model): An inverted repeat allows a hairpin to form at the end of the transcript.