ANTR 350 Study Guide - Final Guide: Comparative Politics

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From two greek words: polis and scire. Aims to know the activities within the state: activities like: human interaction and conflict, human and state relations, and power distribution. The study of governments, public policies and political processes, systems, and political behavior polis city-state in ancient greece politikus political activities within a polis scire means to know political theory. Examines the contemporary application of the political concepts such as human rights, equality, peace, and justice. Seeks to address the variance of its implementation in societies with the aim of understanding the nature of these concepts and the elements that affect it. Significant in furthering theory building in the discipline (as much as it provides a conceptual critique of commonly held concepts) Example: global north concept of justice is not universal. Global south, conflicts are not resolved by meting justice in the context of punishment but in the form of reconciliation of parties. comparative politics.