ANP 220 Study Guide - Final Guide: Social Stratification, Well-Founded Relation

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The demands of child rearing can be adapted to economic needs. Anthropological research shows that psychic conflict and rebellion are characteristic of adolescence in all societies. false. An important source of status for women in nukumanu was: Research on female initiation rites in new guinea suggests that the principal idea expressed in such rites is: One area of recent success for hijras in india is: Wealth her parents and clan have contributed for the event. There are many different ways of showing maleness cross-culturally, but there is no culture in which prestige is not part of it. true. All of the following are arguments commonly used to explain the existence of a gender hierarchy except: Women"s status is higher in societies where they do not have any domestic duties and work, instead, outside of the home. Men who take on women"s work and clothing and are considered to have supernatural powers.