ANP 220 Study Guide - Final Guide: American Anthropological Association, International Phonetic Alphabet, Trobriand Islands

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Bronislaw malinowski spent only 6 months on the trobriand islands. false. Anthropologists have never discovered a valid and consistent way of dividing humanity into a fixed number of races. true. Cross-cultural comparisons began formally in social science with the publication of. The human terrain systems was a successful project that allowed anthropologists to work alongside soldiers during war so that cultural sensitivity in the ranks could be maintained. false. The hraf is an attempt to facilitate cross cultural analysis. true. New international conditions have created problems and opportunities for anthropologists working in the field. What are some of the challenges that j. There is often unstable political organization, difficult and dangerous physical conditions, and difficulties in making ethical decisions. The international phonetic alphabet is a means of: Writing all of the sounds of all human languages. The meaning of a smile varies from culture to culture.