ANP 220 Study Guide - Final Guide: Grammar, Kinesics, Kula Ring

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31 Jul 2019

Document Summary

For inuit children, learning occurs primarily by: attending formal education, listening to stories told by elders, observing elders, asking why-questions, all of the above, observing elders. Cell phones are very popular in jamaica, but researchers found that the average length of a cell-phone conversation there is 19 seconds. True or false: the study of the social use of space is called kinesics. False (the study of the social use of space is called proxemics. Kinesics is the study of body language as a form of non-verbal communication. Interpretive anthropologists are most likely to study: language skills, political structures, housing practices, farming techniques, symbols and cultural meaning, symbols and cultural meaning. True or false: people code-switch only when they do not know all of the words in only one language. False (while some code-switching does occur when someone does not know all of the words in one language, this is not always the case.