ANP 220 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ethnography, Ethnocentrism, Social System

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Idea that environmental conditions affect culture (nature: independent variable, Assuming "our way" of doing things is correct, while dismissing opposing pov/assumptions as wrong or ignorant. Ethnography is the systematic study of people and cultures. It is designed to explore cultural phenomena where the researcher observes society from the point of view of the subject of the study. An ethnography is a means to represent graphically and in writing the culture of a group. Foodways structured beliefs/behaviors surrounding production, distribution and consumption of food. Foraging searching for edible plants and animal foods without domesticating. Informal: "law like" qualities to things that aren"t laws, holding door for people, recycling/composting, dress code, rumor/gossip. Functionalism holds that cultural practices/beliefs hold purpose for society like explaining how world works, social roles ext. Social patterns a society uses to organize people. Contemporary widening scale of cross-cultural interactions owing to rapid movement of money, people, goods, images and ideas within nations across national borders.