ANP 201 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Renato Rosaldo, Cultural Relativism, Language Change

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Document Summary

Anthropology a field of study focused on the attempt to understand human condition in all its diversity. 5 subfields of anthropology: archaeology cultural change over time [material culture, artifacts, cultural anthropology culture-learned, shared, dynamic, adaptive, integrated, and contested. Cultural preservation of language is important for maintaining human identities, protecting native view points that we can learn from, and preserving global diversity. Medical anthropology intersects with all 5 subfields because they study human disease, illness, and medical care across time and space. Biomedicine is seen as a cultural practice that can be studied like any other cultural practice. Enables us to get past the taken for granted every day world and ask deeper questions about ourselves. Understanding the difference between what people say they do and what they actually do : michel foucalt interested in the history of ideas and how institutions [of education] shape us. Ritual series of actions performed in a regular patterned order with meaning attached.