PSY 231 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pragmatics, Social Cognition, Learning Disability

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30 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Chapter 6 lateralization myelination automaticty brain development and early intervention. Gross and fine motor skills readiness extrincally v. intrinsically motivated behavior. Preoperational substages and thought assimilate, accomodate symbolic representation limitations of preoperational thinking conservation. Kinds of play - eg: associative, parallel, dramatic play. Fear and anxiety causes of fear and anxiety. Parenting styles and its impact on child development. Brain development accidents and injuries psychological disorders and mental illness. Theories of intelligence - gardner, sternberg cultural issues in iq testing. Success in school gender differences and school success intellectual and developmental disabilities assessing intellectual disability learning disorders. The development of social cognition social responsibility social cognition social regulations social inference morality. Development of ethnic identity popularity within peer group parent-child interactions and relationships. Stress and single parenting children of divorce resilient children. Note: this is just a guide to help you prepare for the exam.