MTH 421 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Multiple Choice

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12 Oct 2018

Document Summary

2n = n rotations including identity + n reflections n!/2: every group of order 5 is cyclic. 2n = n rotations including identity + n reflections n!/2: an elements n!/2. True n: let n be a positive integer and let u(n) be the set of all positive integers less than n that are relatively prime to n. then u(n) is closed under the operation addition mod n. False: let n be a positive integer and let o in sn. False: let n be a positive integer and let o, t in sn be odd permutations. False: let n be a positive integer. Ever element of sn is a k-cycle for k < or equal to n n!/2 n! False: let g be a group and let a,b exist in g be elements of finite order. False: let n >/= 3 be an integer. Then dn has a cyclic subgroup of order n n!/2.