HST 270- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 65 pages long!)

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No tanks, heavy artillery, air force or anything else. Army basically became a back up police force. German government allowed political parties to set up their own militias. German government began negotiating with lenin to get weapons from the. Some returned to france, belgium, denmark, and poland. In the new german state they weren"t allowed to incorporate german speaking. If the allies allowed them to incorporate all of these people into the new. German state, they would have come out stronger than before the war. Germany"s western border territories remained demilitarized on order of the. In the roman state, once christianity was declared the main religion, they began persecuting all other religions. Christians considered the jews murders of christ so they isolated them. Jews rebellions in rome were crushed by the emperor. Jews moved to eastern europe because at the time they were safe and welcomed into these countries.