FSW 261 Study Guide - Final Guide: Limerence, Physical Attractiveness, Social Exchange Theory

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Fsw261 spring 2010 study guide for exam two. Understand definitions and stages/components of the wheel theory of love by ira reiss (as discussed in the text) Hiv/aids rates and trends in sources of transmission across gender (as discussed in the text). Gender differences in reasons for extramarital affairs (as discussed in the text) Marriage from social institution to private relationship chapter 7. Three functions of marriage (e. g. , providing love and ongoing emotional support, etc. etc. : responsibly raising children, providing economically for family members, providing love and ongoing emotional support. Happiness and life satisfaction: how does marriage matter (as discussed in the text) Different values and love styles between singles and marrieds. Gay baby boom trend and number of same-sex couples with children: enough same-sex couples are establishing families with kids that some observers now point to a gay baby boom . Gender versus sexual orientation as important determinant of the nature of relationships.