ATH 175 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Edward Burnett Tylor, Taboo, Ethnology

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Protein deficiency disease avoided by this: people make decisions about how to deal with environment, sometimes they work in the short term but may cause problems long term, adaptive in short run, maladaptive in long, ethnocentrism a. Judging people by our own cultural standards: cultural relativism a. Such as dancing, athletics, courtship, music, hygiene etc: biological determinism, another word for racism b. Invalid because b. i. any group can learn in any culture b. ii. Cultures change faster than is biologically possible b. iii. There is considerable cultural diversity within groups that cannot be accounted for by biology: language a. Chimp called a duck water bird using sign language when it didn"t know the word for duck: morphemes and phonemes c. i. Phonemes-individual sounds that make up the morpheme c. ii. Morpheme is unit of meaning: displacement, the capacity to convey info about a thing or event not present a. i. Humans can do this: sapir-whorf hypothesis a.