POS2041 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Harold Lasswell, Liberal Democracy, Voting Rights Act Of 1965

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Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. Fifty of these questions will be in the mid-term exam, although the letter choices will be scrambled for each question. ___: a government that is not constrained by legal limits and also seeks to eliminate any challenges to its authority is known as a(n) ________ government, authoritarian totalitarian, democratic, republican. ___: the willingness to be restrained by the power of social institutions, but not political or legal institutions, is a hallmark of a(n) ________ regime, authoritarian totalitarian, democratic, monarchic. ___: approximately ________ percent of the world"s population currently lives in a constitutional democracy, 95, 75, 60, 40. ___: ________ described politics as who gets what, when, and how. , james madison, abraham lincoln, harold lasswell, john locke. ___: in 2017, what percentage of americans did not know that obamacare and the affordable care act are the same thing, 5, 15.