PSYC 203- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 24 pages long!)

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28 Mar 2018

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What is puberty and what takes place during this process?- the period during which adolescents reach sexual maturity and become capable of reproduction. How can you know when looking at correlational coefficient if there is a strong, weak, or no correlation: look at the direction and strength of the correlation. Scientists have discovered a new medication that alleviates migraine headaches. Its called (cid:862)(cid:373)igrai(cid:374)es (cid:374)o (cid:373)ore(cid:863) (cid:1005)(cid:1004)(cid:1004)(cid:1004) people (cid:448)olu(cid:374)teered to parti(cid:272)ipate. Half re(cid:272)ei(cid:448)ed the drug a(cid:374)d half received tic tacs. Scientists then use the findings to determine the effectiveness of the new drug. The scientists will receive money if the drug works from the pharmaceutical company. Incorporate as much of it as possible in your self-evaluation. Chapter three study guide questions: list/identify the seven major sources of stress as per the text book. Support your answer: stress weakens the immune system which can make someone more susceptible to illness but it doesn"t directly cause illness.