UCLR 100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Portico, Katabasis, Trojan War

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Argo = boat and naut = sailor. Apollonius [of rhodes] author of the argonautica. Jason sailor that travels from iolkos to colchis; on the quest for a golden fleece. Barbarian someone who did not know how to speak greek, therefore their speech sound. Hellenistic literature flower, exotic style 323 bce. For various reasons, had to go away from home town. About to be sacrificed by that uncle. At the last moment, a huge golden sheep comes and takes them onto his back and flies with them. When they came to the body of water between current turkey and europe helle fell off into the water, therefore, became the hellespont (sea between) King aeetes had a daughter named medea. They sacrifice the sheep king aeetes takes the skin and keeps it guarded by a never sleeping dragon (became known as the golden fleece) Phrixis makes his way back to greece.