PLSC 102 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: John Maynard Keynes, Millennium Development Goals, Theodore Roosevelt

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27 Oct 2016

Document Summary

Non-state actors islamic state of iraq and syria (isis) Hegemonic stability theory (nobody wants to be dominated) British let people in ireland stance to death: hence, irish migration. Weapons don"t just defend country but economic interest. World war ii (1939-1945) - 60 72 million deaths. World war i (1914-1918) 20 million deaths. Types of conflict: conventional hegemonic (imperial) war total war limited war. Since wwii, we have moved away from economic nationalism and toward economic liberalism. Elimination of private property as the cure. Fascism (hitler) started out as national socialism. State regulates capital and provides basic needs. Most senators do not want icc involved with the us the idea of losing saudi arabia"s vote becomes difficult w/ decisions regarding 9/11. Potential loss of u. s relations* w/ saudi. Economic liberalism in a regional sense true economic liberalism promotes movement of: goods, ideas, capital and labor. U. s believes in economic liberalism to an extent: