HIST 102 Study Guide - Final Guide: Austria-Hungary, The Communist Manifesto, Totalitarianism

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15 Dec 2016

Document Summary

Thomas newcomen n (1709)- invented the first steam driven engine. James watt (1775)- greatly improved upon newcomen"s design, allowing it to be used in factories and mines. Were quicker and more reliable than the original. George stephenson (1829) improved upon the steam engine even more and allowed it to be used for transportation purposes. Coal mining became first capital-intensive industry in britain. Affected the iron and coal industries greatly. Was later used on trains and boats (for locomotion or transportation) In 1709 (during the age of the industrial revolution) the steam engine was invented by newcomen. 1829-george stephenson-improved the steam engine and won a price for it. 1830-opening of the first modern railway (from manchester to liverpool-32 miles) Description: (in england) the first steam engine was designed to remove water from coal and tin mines that had become flooded. Watt"s improvements on the original caused increased iron production in england.