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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

The criminal justice system - a loosely organized collection of agencies (police, correction and courts) charged with protecting the public, maintaining order, enforcing the law, identifying transgressors, bringing the guilty to justice and treating criminal behavior. Criminology study of the origin, extent and nature of crime in society. Crime a violation of societal rules of behavior as interpreted and expressed by a criminal legal code created by people holding social and political power. In order for a crime to occur, there must be a law against that behavior. Crime versus deviance: all crime is deviant but not all deviance is a crime, examples, murder (crime, prostitution (crime, drug use (deviance, gambling (crime if under 21/deviance if over 21) Crime in the 20th century: 1900-1935 saw a sustained increase in criminal activity, depression era outlaws, ma barker and her sons, bonnie and clyde. John dillinger: organized crime, the mafia, the mob and gangsters.