SOCL 3101 : Exam 3 Notes 2

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Az v. hicks: facts, issue, reasoning, decision, facts, issue, decision, facts, bullet fired through respondents apartment. Police arrive and search for shooter or other victims. Find stolen stolen turn table and speakers among other things: az state trial court hold that the office"s actions were not justified under the "plain view" doctrine. Terry v. ohio: terry is convicted of carrying a concealed weapon, prosecution argues officer mcfadden did not have probable cause to search the men. Us v. sokolow: under another name sokolow was arrested at the honolulu airport due to his strange behavior. He bought his dollar tickets with 20 dollar bills, did not check his luggage, etc: dea agents stop sokolow, and later have his bags searched by the drug sniffing dog, If it constitutes a 4a search reasonable clause and probable cause will kick in. Will constantly hear "did it constitute a search under the 4th.