SOCL 2001 Study Guide - Final Guide: Social Darwinism, Pseudoscience, Racialization

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18 Jun 2014

Document Summary

Humans are divided into distinct bloodlines and/or physical types. That these bloodlines or physical traits are linked to distinct cultures, behaviors, personalities, and intellectual abilities. Immigration act of 1924 formalized the exclusive definitions of whiteness by imposing immigration restrictions that limited the amount of immigrants from separate countries. o: favored the eastern and northern europeans because they were had a better. The concept of race from the ancients to alleles: explain how race was used during the age of exploration to legitimize imperial. Meaning that one race believes they are the norm and everyone else is different: phrenology was used by johann friedirch blumenbach. Phrenology is the pseudoscience of using differences in head formations to distinguish race. Caucasians had excellent skull qualities, so they were considered the. Norm and every other was compared to them such as in ethnocentrism: physiognomy was used by johann caspar lavater.