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15 Mar 2019

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12+ years may not be fully attained until 18-22. They can think logically about hypothetical/ abstract things. Formal reasoning comes from the form of statements and ideas-rather than the concrete things the words represent. Formal reasoners will hypothesize and mentally consider the results. Based on the feedback from old hypotheses generate new and better hypotheses. Four beaker problem- 4 beakers with colorless odorless liquids, then takes a few drops from vial g into beaker x turning the liquid yellow. The asked which of the four beakers plus g to get the yellow in beaker x. They are told some do nothing and some stop the color but one makes it yellow. Concrete reasoners are weak on a capacity called interproporsitional thinking. concrete reasoners cannot compare several hypotheses to see if they are logically consistent with each other. They have difficulty generating and thinking about hypotheses.