PSYC 4030 : PSYC4030 Exam 2

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

*problem solvers are biased by their experience to prefer familiar strategies. *they ignore easier ways to solve problems in favor of more familiar ones. *effect can be reduced with a warning-- don"t be blind. (look for other ways to solve problems) *how you define the problem can affect how easy it is to solve it. *people don"t always identify things as problems many believe the status quo is the way things are. Decided to seek a solution first to come up with the idea of a ballpoint pen; started bic pens. Study guide, exam 2 thinking and decision making (spring 2012 // dr. lane) Set effects involve solving different problems using the same methods. Water jug problem: people saw only one way of solving the problem. Functional fixedness involves representing objects in terms of their typical use and not seeing novel uses. Roles: client: person who is responsible for the problem; resources: team members;