PSYC 4030 : Study Guide Exam 2

14 views10 pages
15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

The decision is often made using average differences in the features of memories from different sources. At retrieval, you compare the characteristics of your memory to the general characteristics of different sources: errors happen: when a retrieved memory has characteristics that overlap with another category. Implicit memory-(indirect test) instructions are to complete a task not specifically to retrieve information from memory. [stem completion, free association, perceptual identification: explicit memory-(direct test) instructions ask participants to retrieve information from memory from a specific event. How do schemas affect memory (see e. g. , brewer & treyens, 1981): general structured knowledge about objects, people, or situations, used to form expectations or make inferences, ex. Going to a restaurant all the events that typically happen in order every time: according to stanovich, what are the fundamental computational biases of human cognition, heuristics rule of thumb that are almost always correct, relatively automatic.