PSYC 4030 : 4030 Final Study Guide

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15 Mar 2019

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Psyc 4030 study guide section 3 questions over readings and lecture for final exam sp. Helping doctors and patients make sense of health statistics. What is collective statistical illiteracy? (p. 54: statistical thinking: how to understand information about risks and uncertainties in our technological world. Which type of risk does the media tend to report? (p 54 - top of p . 55: absolute risks are typically small numbers while the corresponding relative changes tend to look big particularly when the base rate is low. It refers to an emotional need for certainty when none exists: this feeling can be attached to test results that are taken to be absolutely certain and to treatments that appear to guarantee a cure. What is the illusion of certainty? (p. 76: defined as the belief that some event is absolutely certain even when such certainty does not exist.