PSYC 3030 : Exam 1 Review

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Information processing in humans resembles that in computers: what are the key historical facts of cognitive psychology, ebbinghaus, forgetting curve; shows that the first few repetitions result in a steep learning curve. Measuring memory and attention: why do we use these variables, an experiment is used to determine an association between different variables looking for a cause and effect relationship. Attention: attention: the process that, at any given moment, enhances some information and inhibits others; interface between memory systems. Attention is how we actively process specific information present in our environment; we filter out the unimportant information around us, being aware of only a small portion. Attentional processes (which can be automatic or controlled), we filter out the information that is relevant to us and that we want to attend to. Eventually, this leads to our taking action on the basis of the information we attended to: sensations, memories, and thought processes attention controlled.