PSYC 3030 : Section 4 Final Study Guide

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

A tendency for people"s speech patterns to drift toward common ground. They can read familiar words, but cannot figure out unfamiliar words or legal non- words: deep dyslexia, have trouble reading unfamiliar words but also make bizarre semantic errors. May also make combined visual-semantic errors: bush tree , surface dyslexia, the complement of phonological dyslexics, reading almost entirely by phonological rules (spelling sound patterns), they can read regular words ok, but cannot read irregular or. An insight is realizing a new behavior to solve a problem. A heuristic is a mental shortcut to help process a large amount of information: what is the gestalt view of problem solving, 1. Preparation: you recognize that a problem exists, and make preliminary attempts toward solving it, 2. If preliminary attempts fail, you give up for a while: 3. Illumination (insight: a sudden flash of insight occurs, and the solution becomes conscious, 4. Verification: you confirm that the insight solution works.