PSYC 2078 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Deductive Reasoning, Egocentrism, Parietal Lobe

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24 Jun 2014

Document Summary

Ability to coordinate the senses and the body: utero the infant"s awareness is primarily body-centric, shortly after birth, smells, sights, and other sensory stimuli become more dramatic. Piaget"s stages of cognitive development: sensorimotor (0-2 years, concrete operational (7-11 years) Increased capacity for abstract thought a: metacognition - adolescents can examine their own thought processes and identify the steps they are taking to solve problems, able to use inductive and deductive logic i. Thalamus - relay center for sensory information. Hypothalamus - pleasure and pain responses, regulation and secretion of hormones, and reflexes, eating, etc. Cerebellum - balance and coordination: old mammalian brain, or the limbic brain, covers the brain stem and is primarily concerned with emotion and the formation of emotional memory. Amygdala - emotional response and emotional memory. Corpus callosum - connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain together. Ventral tegmental area - reward and punishment circuit.