PSYC 2076 Study Guide - Job Satisfaction, Family Process, Nuclear Family

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24 Jun 2014

Document Summary

Family structure: composition of the family household unit. Family atmosphere (general feeling household: combination of economic, social, and psychological factors that affect the ambiance in the home. Extended-family cousins, grandparents, uncles, aunts, etc. (more dominant in african americans) Nuclear family immediate family (more dominant in the us) Kids tend to do better in traditional families. Most important: atmosphere (supportive, loving, and good household) Divorce: 1 million kids involved in divorce each year. Age/ maturity - younger kids tend to be more anxious and blame themselves; however they adapt to divorce better. School-aged kids are more sensitive to parent issues and parent loyalty; feel rejected and blame themselves a little better. Gender - typically more problems with boys adjusting because mother gets custody; therefore no father figure. Dad"s involvement quality of involvement more important than quantity. Amount of conflict makes a difference; marital problems more damaging than having a civil divorce.