PSYC 2076 Study Guide - Phallic Stage, Psychoanalytic Theory, Reality Principle

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18 Jun 2014

Document Summary

Why are theories important: organize, understand, predict. How do developmental theories differ: how does development happen, quantitative versus qualitative change, why doe development happen, biological forces, environmental factors. Important of the unconscious mind: free association, dream interpretation, psychoanalytic psychotherapy. 3 parts of the personality: id- pleasure principle, ego- reality principle, superego- conscience, morality, psychosexual stages of development. Focus of pleaure is on the mouth, taking in: oral- 0-2 years, anal- 2-3 years. Focus of pleasure is on the penis for boys, clitoris for girls, oedipus and electra crisis: latency- 6-12 years olds. Sexual drive goes underground and gives energy to learning to be an adult, schooling: genital-12 and older. Autonomy: psychosocial stages of development trust vs. mistrust. Freud: oreal stage, anal stage, phallic stage, latency stage, genital stage. John b. watson and classical conditioning: we are born a tabula rasa (blank.