PSYC 2000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Slut, Phallic Stage, Cognitive Dissonance

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18 Jun 2014

Document Summary

Personality: a person"s unique and relatively stable behavior patterns of thinking, feeling, and acting. Id -contains basic impulses and urges, present at birth (totally unconscious) principle-desire for pleasure and immediate satisfaction: pleasure, example: devil on shoulder, superego. Moral behavior learned from parents and culture (moral compass: ego principle-act proper and ideal as defined by parents and culture, idealistic, example: angel on shoulder. Mediates conflicts between the id and the superego (directs rational behavior: reality principle-compromise between the id and superego (delays pleasure until appropriate, reduces anxiety. Defense mechanisms (ego: repression (deep unconscious, projection cheating. Unconsciously attributing one"s own unacceptable feelings to another person: example: calling the girl a slut, accusing loved one of cheating when you are, reaction formation, denial, rationalization, regression. Revert to behavior that reduced anxiety earlier in development (hissy fit until. Defending against unacceptable impulses by acting opposite them. Discounting the existence of threatening situations (deny cheating)