POLI 2051 : Poli Sci FINAL

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

District courts: original jurisdiction, judges, juries, attorneys. Court of appeals: circuit courts, do not have original jurisdiction, pallet jurisdiction, panels of three judges that sit (not trial kinds of courts) and hear only appeals. Supreme court: single court, 9 justices, president nominates, mostly decide not to take up cases. The constitution authorizes the president to nominate and the senate to confirm. The process is the same for all federal judges, the way the nominee is chosen differs according to the level of federal court involved. There are no legal or constitutional requirements, a general qualification is that the nominee be a lawyer. Ideology: representational qualities (race, sex, religion, ethnicity, geography, professional competence. Rating of the nominee by the aba. Nominee"s name is formally submitted to the senate judiciary committee. After testimony, judiciary committee votes on the nominee. Selecting cases the rule of four. Chapter 15: civil liberties and chapter 16: civil rights.