POLI 1001 : Poli Sci Final Exam Review

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Political science 1001 final examination review questions. Answer: oedipus is the son of laius and jocasta that was prophet to kill his father and wed his mother. Laius is the king of thebes and oedipus" father who was killed as a fulfillment on an oracle. Answer: pollution is that for which oedipus is responsible for. Answer: it means we are never absolutely free. There is always a restraint: in the final analysis, what advice about freedom, fate and the gods is sophocles giving in. Answer: natural rights are rights that no person can give us. Answer: the greatest danger to freedom in a democratic society is social tyranny (public opinion) because it penetrates so deeply into one"s soul that there is no alternative. Answer: conscious, thought/feeling, opinion/sentiment, expression, tastes & pursuits, Answer: societies that are possessive of innovation sustain truths and tradition and avoid mediocrity: how does sophocles portray oedipus and the issue of guilt/innocence in oedipus at.