POLI 1001 : Polisci Exam 1 Study Questions

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Exceptional language: identify the following: aegisthus, agamemnon, menelaus, helen, clytemnestra, Agamemnon: killed by clytemnstra (his wife) murdered his daughter (iphigenia) Cassandra: the mistress agamemnon brings home as a prize from winning troy. Elders: grief for those who lost lives during the battle of troy. It is a story of the emergence of a new form of political consciousness. We can conclude that suffering is a characteristic of human life & the kingdom will now reflect a balance of fear & reason. There is a world between appearances & intelligence. According to marx the tools of that society is a component of the infrastructure of a society. He claims the components of the superstructure of a society are law&politics, science&art, and religion. Aristotle believed happiness is euphoria, contemplation of the divine or good, and living the life of the virtuous citizen. The zoon poltikon is the claim that humans need politics to be happy.