PHYS 2113 Midterm: PHYS 2113 LSU FormulaSheet Midterm X15

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15 Feb 2019

Document Summary

Formula sheet for lsu physics 2113, first exam, spring "15: constants, de nitions: m s2. Mm oon = 7. 36 1022 kg g = 9. 8. G = 6. 67 10 11 m3 kg s2. Nm2 c = 3. 00 108 m/s dipole moment: ~p = q ~d. Area of a cylinder: a = 2 r volume of a cylinder: v = r2 me = 9. 11 10 31 kg. Earth-moon distance = 3. 82 108 m e = 1. 60 10 19 c. Joule = j = n m: kinematics (constant acceleration): v = vo + at x xo = 1. 2 at2 v2 = v2: + 2a(x xo, circular motion: , v = r: general (work, def. of potential energy, kinetic energy): W = u (by eld) wext = u = w (if objects are initially and nally at rest) Newton"s law: | ~f | = g r2. Potential energy of a system (more than 2 masses): u = (cid:18)g.