PHIL 2025 Study Guide - Final Guide: Primum Non Nocere, Assisted Suicide, Kantianism

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18 Jun 2014

Document Summary

Act in the best interest of the community as determined by those values: explain the original position and veil of ignorance as proposed by john rawls, you start behind a veil of ignorance. No idea what your stage in life is going to be: describe the following, principlism - principlism is the four principles approach: autonomy, beneficence, Nonmaleficence, and justice: casuistry looks at cases to decide. Some examples of this include: buck vs. bell, skinner vs. oklahoma iii. Why: supreme court justice said three generations of imbeciles are enough. Social criteria were used to determine the eligibility of the person: what is required for a patient to be able to act autonomously, liberty, capacity, understanding, differentiate between informed consent, best interest standard, and substituted judgments. Yes, foreseeing an effect but you intend on something else. The case in its over debbie : give the requirements for the principle of double effect to be invoked.