PHIL 2025 : Bio Ethics Final Exam Study Guide

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Bio ethics final exam: name the two oldest principles of bioethics: Do good, don"t do harm: describe john rawls thought experiment with the original position and veil of ignorance: You have no idea what your life will be like but how will u order society: matching ends justify the means, deontology- duty but also rule based, consequentialism- doesn"t matter how you get there, it"s the outcomes. Moral: kantianism (categorical imperative) 2 formulations: act in a manner that if your going to do it, you should be ok if everyone does it. You should not use people as a means to an end. character of the person performing the act that is important. ___moral theory that the outcome determines the good. ___ethics using maxims, paradigm cases and prior opinions. ___morally right action is the one that god commands or requires. ___ethics derive from communal values (traditions, loyalties, social nature of life & institutions)