PHIL 1000 : Exam 2 Study Guide Philosophy

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15 Mar 2019

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Exam date: monday, march 12, 2012, in class. Give and explain the objection (to ducasse"s view) that appeals to the conservation of energy. Explain the three responses ducasse offers to this objection. Ducasse is attempting to defend interactionistic property dualism. Interactionistic property dualism is the view that human beings are subject to both mental events and physical events and mental events can cause physical events and vice versa. Conservation of energy objection: all causation involves a transfer of energy based on the assumption of a wholly closed physical world. Carefully explain each of these views and give the reasons that ducasse rejects each theory. Epiphenominalism asserts that psychical events are always effects of physical events but never themselves cause other psychical events nor cause any physical events. Psychophysical parallelism has widely been adopted as an alternative escaping the difficulties which are alleged to stand in the way of interactionism. There is no causal interaction between mental and physical events.