PHIL 1000 : Test2outline2

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15 Mar 2019
Jordan Bergeron PHIL 1000
October 7, 2011 Section 2
Question 2 Outline
I. Thesis: Based on the arguments made involving religion, agnosticism
seems to be the most reasonable belief of ineffability.
II. Go God Go
a. Mr. Garrison
b. Richard Dawkins
III. Theism
a. A Priori
b. Anselm’s argument
c. Kant’s Response
i. Predication
d. Guanilo’s Response
i. Perfection
e. A Posteriori
f. Design Argument
i. Paley’s Watch
g. Hume’s counterargument
i. Relevance
IV. Problem of Evil
a. Deductive
i. Free-Will Defense
ii. Maturity
b. Rowe’s argument
i. Gratuitous evil
ii. Rowe’s Fawn
V. Conclusion
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