PHIL 1000 : TEST3 Study Guide

9 views8 pages
15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Once this identity is established, take a very small piece of the mass away. But in our minds, we reference the change to the proportion of the whole. When changes are gradual and small, we do not notice their effects. Infant becomes man, still no change in his identity: the identity that we attribute to the human mind is unable to run all of our various perceptions into one cohesive perception. We frequently place resembling perceptions in a train of thought, and began to see them as a continuance. How does hume structure human identity: all questions addressing human identity can never truly be decided. Identity depends on the relation of our ideas, and these relations produce identity by the easiness of the transition. When the transitions are not easy, we have no standard to decided when identity changes: thus, the union of all our different paths and ideas conceive identity.