NFS 1110 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Neural Tube Defect, Pyridoxal Phosphate, Autoimmune Disease

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Deficiency: beriberi: occurred when people consumed too much white rice as a staple of diets, symptoms: lethargy, fatigue, neurological symptoms, enlargement of the heart, heart failure, readily reversible. Functions: fad functions in citric acid cycle, fad important in fatty acid breakdown, fad carries electrons to the electron transport chain, fmn is an electron carrier. Deficiency: ariboflavinosis: inflammation of the eyes, lips, and mouth, and scaly skin eruptions. Deficiency: pellagra: dermatitis, dementia, diarrhea, and death. Greatest risk: people who eat a heavily corn based diet because it is low in tryptophan which makes it hard for the body to absorb the niacin. Deficiency: uncommon, mostly in people who eat a lot of raw eggs. Functions in many different places in the body. Maintains blood concentrations of blood pyridoxal phosphate. Deficiency: anemia due to impaired hemoglobin synthesis, neurological symptoms: depression, headaches, confusion. Greatest risk: alcoholics, people who take oral contraceptives.