MKT 3411 : Marketing 3411 Exam 1

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Marketing 2. 0(information age= today: changes in consumer behavior, value defined by customer example: customers are always right, assumes customers are passive targets . Consumer behavior as marketing: shift in technology= shift in marketing, technology cheap and accessible, age of participation (social media reshaping like twitter, facebook, insta etc. ) Understanding consumer behavior: the goal of marketing is to change the consumption patterns of consumers by influencing: Consumer behaviorists understand that: we are all susceptible to the influence of marketing, our individual opinions are irrelevant example: ipads will fail. Case study about prego tomato sauce: formulated by howard masokicwz, would test consumers, revoluntized analyzing taste test, horizontal segmentation, found that: americans wanted chunky tomato sauce and made 600 million. Case study about mustard: french"s original vs grey popupon. Group assignment grades= best 4 out of 5 will make it. What is perception: the process by which people select, organize and interpret sensations- our response to stimuli in our environment.