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Test two study guide (ch. 7-9 & 11-13)4/5/2012 5:32:00 am. Body composition: the relative amount of fat and lean tissue (fat-free; muscles, bones, skin, organs, body fluids) in the body. Essential fat: body fat that is essential for normal physiological functioning. Storage fat: not essential but provides energy, insulation, and padding. Percent body fat: percentage of total weight that is comprised of fat tissue. Bmi is solely determined by height and weight, and does not differentiate between fat mass and lean mass-used to assess risk for possible present or future health problems: underweight <18. 5, normal 18. 5-24. 9, overweight 25-29. 9, obese >30. Whr (waist to hip ratio): android (apple): excess body fat on the upper body and trunk & has a greater risk of developing chronic disease than gynoid, gynoid (pear): carries excess body fat in the lower body. Check weekly: body size/shape (mirror/fit of clothes); weight.