KIN 1600 : Kinesiology 1600 Exam 3 Study Guide

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An acquired reaction to a drug in which continued use of the same dose has diminished effects is referred to as ________. Tolerance: a return to an addictive behavior after a period of abstinence is called ________. Relapse: bertie doesn"t see that her addiction to heroin is self-destructive. Denial: biochemical messengers that bind to specific receptor sites on nerve cells are called ________. Neurotransmitters: a repeated behavior in which the repetition may be unconscious is known as ________. Habit: the inability to reliably predict whether any isolated occurrence of a behavior will be healthy or damaging is known as ________. Loss of control: marissa, a college student, works out regularly in the gym, buys bodybuilding magazines, and takes supplements to increase her size. She has a pathological preoccupation with being larger and more muscular. She prefers to work out rather than study and socialize with her friends.